Blog Posts

Get a deal on a Dobot Magician through Chrisandjimcim!

Get a deal on a Dobot Magician through Chrisandjimcim!

                    We have found a way to get a Dobot Magician for teaching in your classroom! All you have to do is go to InPosition Technologies here: and when your district makes the purchase, use the code chrisandjimcim for $100 off and free shipping! NOTE: […]
What else do we need to teach CIM?

What else do we need to teach CIM?

Question: What else do we need to really teach CIM? Are there any “extras” that you recommend? Answer: We get this question weekly. So here’s what we are going to do. Give you a preview to a Google doc that is live so we can update it on the fly. You will see it right […]
A CNC machine for $4000? Really?

A CNC machine for $4000? Really?

Thanks Ryan Dennes!  He sent me an email outlining a new CNC machine that will cut everything up to and including aluminum, for only $4000. The post for it is already baked right into HSM too, so you should be able to send code for it right out of Inventor! It’s called the Pocket NC. […]
NEW! Lynxmotion AL5D PLTW Guide

NEW! Lynxmotion AL5D PLTW Guide

Question: The guide for building the Lynxmotion AL5D robot is not easy to follow. Do you have any suggestions for building the robot? Answer: Of course we do!  #1: Robotshop & Lynxmotion put out a brand new guide that can be found HERE. The new guide is very easy to follow with great step by […]
The Dobot Magician: A REAL Educational Robot?

The Dobot Magician: A REAL Educational Robot?

About a month ago  I purchased a Dobot Magician from an Etsy shop, as that was the only way to get them at the time. Try telling your business office you want to use school money to buy something on Etsy….  Luckily, it was a grant, and I was able to purchase it. It is […]
See you at the University of Texas at Tyler!

See you at the University of Texas at Tyler!

Well CTI’s have been doled out finally!  Jim will be at CalPoly Pomona, Ryan Dennes will be at the University of Kentucky & Bucknell and I will be at the University of Texas at Tyler with Ryan Stobaugh . There are a total of nine sessions going on for CIM throughout the summer so check […]
2017 PLTW EOC CIM Final Exam

2017 PLTW EOC CIM Final Exam

It’s that time of year again! I am now receiving at least 20 requests per week that sound something like this: ” Can you give/share/sell me your final exam questions, resources, study guides?”. The short answer is NO. District policy prevents me from sharing any assessment resources that I utilize in the teaching of any […]
CIM-A-Palooza 2017

CIM-A-Palooza 2017

  Welcome to Cazenovia High School for CAP 2017. Thirty CIM teachers from across this great state getting together to share their expertise and their passion in Computer Integrated Manufacturing. The goal of CIM-A-Palooza is to walk away with a better understanding of what kind of high-tech manufacturing takes place locally (Tour of Marquardt), and a […]
Robots Taking Over? Your Job is Safe....

Robots Taking Over? Your Job is Safe....

So, you’re worried about robots taking over the world???  Maybe not yet. But according to this article on Link’d In, you may not have to worry about them taking your job! According to Shelly Palmer, CEO at the Palmer Group, These are the jobs that robots won’t be able to take. You can read the full […]

Chris & Jim CIM

Welcome to Our mission is to make Computer Integrated Manufacturing more exciting and easier for students and educators alike. As you utilize the resources here, you will see how Science, Technology, Engineering & Math can be brought to life for your students, and possibly spark the interests of the next generation of manufacturers and makers...



Chris and Jim CIM
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