Author: Chris Hurd

How a TIMEX Watch is Made

Timex watches are known to be high quality yet reliable and affordable. The brand has been in business since the 1800s. Insider’s Fabiana Buontempo visited their headquarters in Connecticut to learn what goes into making their watches. The art of watchmaking is often machine-based these days,...

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Dobot Blockly Curriculum Downloads

Introduction goes here. When you click on the titles or the pictures below you will get the document download as a PDF. Activities 1-Blockly: Pick & Place 2-Blockly: Pick and Place with Jumps and Loops 3-Blockly: Pick & Place with Inputs 4-Blockly...

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02 Blockly Pick & Place With Jumps & Loops

Download When programming a robotic arm, it often becomes necessary to repeat operations a set number of times or indefinitely. This can be accomplished by adding different styles of loops to our program. It is also a good programming habit to optimize or reduce your lines of code when appropriate....

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01 Blockly Pick and Place Dobot

Download Robotic arms are excellent for performing pick and place operations such as placing small electronic components on circuit boards or laser cut stainless steel stencils, as well as large boxes on pallets. A pick and place operation will require at least 5 points: In this activity you will...

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Want a Deal on Dobot Magicians?

How about a deal on a some new Dobot Magicians? We are constantly developing new resources for using the Dobot Magician in your classroom. This includes: Activities Presentations Teacher Resources Handouts Tutorials Solutions To help us better understand who has Dobots, who needs Dobots,...

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IED Students Design & Build Clocks

For their final project in Design and Drawing for Production (IED), students in Mr. Hyatt’s class designed, modeled, and produced their own custom laser cut clocks.  Students were given some basic constraints but were encouraged to be creative, use the knowledge and skills they’ve acquired...

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Injection Molding: Marvel of Modern Engineering

Jim Found this one, and it is a GEM!  A video about a plastic ball valve. Really? This is a marvel of engineering? Ummm… actually… yes. Jim and I both think so, and since it’s on the internet it must be true. This is a great 15 minute video with some wry humor thrown in that explains...

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New! Dobot Resources

You’ve asked… We’ve listened. We are in the process of developing even more “stuff” for the Dobot Magicians for those of you who use them in your classroom.  Please click on the link below to get more info on where to get resources like: More information on where...

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