Tag: time

How Does PWM Work?

Question: What is PWM, and how does it work to control a motor or any other output? Answer: PWM stands for Pulse Width Modulation and allows you to easily control an output in a digital system. Some things that you can control with it might be the speed of a DC motor, or the brightness...

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The History and Future of Manufacturing

What better way to learn about history… with an old video about even older technology and innovators in manufacturing. Start with the first video about the history of manufacturing, then watch the second video that talks about “Rethinking” manufacturing, and think about where we...

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What is Stepover?

QUESTION: What is Stepover? ANSWER: Stepover is defined as the the space between passes of a tool during an operation. The HSM default is 95%, making a very smooth finish on a surface with a ball end mill, but it will sacrafice machine time. In other words, it’ll take forever!...

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Chris and Jim CIM
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