Tag: output

DobotStudio: The Basics

Question: How do I get started with DobotStudio? There really isn’t much info out there yet on how to use my Dobot Magician Robotic Arm. Solution: Well, first off, here’s just the tip of the iceberg…. more to be added as I figure stuff out. This robot can be taught and record points...

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Dobot to Dobot Handshake!

We did it! We made a dobot magician talk to another one and make it start. We even added a VEX switch as an input to start the first one. It is easy to do, but one word of caution: Never connect or disconnect any wires to the dobot while it is powered on; always power it down first. Damage may result! Ok,...

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Dobot Workcell: Conveyor & Slide Base

Just received my slidebase and conveyor that I ordered from InPosition  and just finished setting it up. Stay tuned for the programming video that will be coming shortly! To get a discount and free shipping go here for more info: http://chrisandjimcim.com/how-do-i-get-a-discount-and-free-shipping-on-a-dobot-magician/   ...

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The VEX Testbed is boring….

Question: The VEX Testbed is boring; do you know of another way to make learning RobotC programming more appealing to high school students? Answer: Well, in my classroom we build clawbots, then add all of the sensors to them. we then get to program the sensors on a real, mobile robot!  Kids love it...

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Problem: How do you handshake with two VEX Cortex’s? I can’t seem to get it to work! Solution: I had to call in the big guns on this one; Jim is a RobotC programmer extraordinaire. He put together the tutorial below.  Not only that, but he and I wrote the powerpoint and the teacher’s...

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Problem: How do you communicate from a VEX to a SCORBOT? When I hook it up using an optical isolater, there is no voltage. Solution: Lets set it up like this: VEX is the OUTPUT, and the SCORBOT is the INPUT. Always use a relay, optical isolator or just a switch; NEVER HOOK UP A POWERED DEVICE TO...

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Chris and Jim CIM
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