Tag: options

Intelitek Benchmill Basics

In this series of short videos, learn the basics of how to setup your Intelitek Benchmill 6000 in your classroom. Everything from wiring it, connecting it to your computer, installing tools & vices, and everything in between. Short descriptions of each video below. « Prev1 / 1Next »1...

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DobotStudio: The Basics

Question: How do I get started with DobotStudio? There really isn’t much info out there yet on how to use my Dobot Magician Robotic Arm. Solution: Well, first off, here’s just the tip of the iceberg…. more to be added as I figure stuff out. This robot can be taught and record points...

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Show Detail in Inventor Browser

Question: The browser in Inventor is ok, but is there a way to show more detail? Solution: There sure the heck is! Thank Jim for this obscure trick. He must sit around in his free time and look this stuff up! Just go to the Tools tab, click on application options go to the part tab, and check the...

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Chris and Jim CIM
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