Tag: i

How do I Update my Firmware in RobotC?

Question: How do I update the firmware in RobotC… the “automatic” method doesn’t work! Answer: Funny! (Not really…) It doesn’t work in my classroom either! Watch the short video below to see how it’s done!   [youtube_sc url=”https://youtu.be/EwvG7wR1eYY”...

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Question: How do I make an arc using G & M codes?   Solution: It’s easy! The method shown here shows you how to do it with a known end point and centerpoint. The four minute video below shows you how step by step. Sorry for the poor sound quality, but it’s real time during a lesson...

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How do I know inventor will run in my classroom?

Problem: How do I know Inventor will run correctly in my classroom after it is installed? Solution: It can be a huge issue to change the image of a computer, after it has been installed. There are some things you can do to check and be sure that it works. See the steps below. CIM Check your Software-Inventor                             ...

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Chris and Jim CIM
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