Tag: free

Donate to ChrisandJimCIM

Well, here it is, summertime, and we are getting ready to update the website. This whole website, and all of its content have been free of charge, because we feel strongly that teaching kids how to make stuff is vitally important to our economy, and we are passionate about bringing this content to...

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Dobot Magician Start Up Procedure

Question: What’s the proper way to actually get my Dobot Magician to connect to my computer?  What software is required? Is it expensive?   Solution: Number one, the software is free and it is called Dobot Studio. I am told it always will be, and it is updated regularly. You can install...

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How do I buy a Dobot Magician?

Great question! Luckily the answer is, as always, “It’s easy!” I just purchased eight of them for my CIM class after testing them for the better part of the last six months. I feel that they are so much more accurate and durable than anything else I have used in my classroom to...

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How Accurate is the Dobot Magician?

Question: Just how accurate is the Dobot Magician? Answer: Short answer: very accurate. To 0.007″ to be exact. Verified by an independent study student of mine using statistical analysis. In May of 2017  I purchased a Dobot Magician from an Etsy shop, as that was the only way to get them at...

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Chris and Jim CIM
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