Tag: drawing

Hole Notes and Hole Types

Question: Geez… there’s lots of different types of holes…. how do I know the difference when reading a drawing? Answer: Once again… Jim to the rescue with a LOT of information about holes. Going Beyond: Hole Notes Answer the questions below by copying and...

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Basic Part Creation Using Autodesk Fusion 360

Download the Worksheet Download Hand-In Student Notes: Download the Worksheet, dimension the parts using the given scale, then make them in your 3D modeling software! Here is a project to help you and your students get acquainted with Autodesk Fusion 360. There are eleven parts to make, and...

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Autodesk Inventor 2014 : Drawings and Beyond

Ok, now you have some parts, how do you do the documentation? Like drawings, bill of materials, and balloons, among other things? See the videos below for some examples in Inventor 2014. [youtube_sc url=”https://youtu.be/S2WqaasLiTw?list=PLJuwb3xnlvcl7J__Txjd9QvxST72zEJfB”] Video 0 Orthographic...

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Chris and Jim CIM
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