Tag: churd

CTI 2016: What is CIM?

Wow! I think I’m famous!  First I saw of this was today, as posted on CalPoly Pomona’s YouTube page. It gives a short overview of what CIM is, and what you can expect to leave from core training with. Thanks CPP! [youtube_sc url=”https://youtu.be/BKQE6w6Psn8″ width=”800″] ...

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The Big Move

on Tuesday, 24 March 2015. MARQUARDT CELL MAKES IT TO THE CLASS ROOM… IN PIECES…. Students in the EDD class have spent the last 3 weeks planning, labelling, and dismantling the Cell donated by Marquardt. Today, March 23rd, 2015, all of the parts were brought up to room 231. Tags:  ...

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Chris and Jim CIM
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