Tag: automation

Precision Measurement: Why & How?

Mark from Haas Automation sets his sights on a topic that every machinist and every machine shop deals with on a daily basis. He looks at the tools and terms you need to become familiar with as you’re starting out making parts and measuring them. Thanks to Haas Automation for this great...

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Robots vs. Humans: Are Robots Killing Tesla?

Robots vs. Humans; an age old dilemma in mfg. Are you taking CIM? Where do you stand? The robot in this photo is very similar to the one we have in class. The robots are killing Tesla. In a rare win for humans over robots in the battle for labor efficiency, Wall Street analysts have laid down a compelling...

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Automated Switch Manufacturing Cell:

on Wednesday, 25 February 2015. WHAT DOES IT DO? So you know about the cell that Marquardt Switches donated to Cazenovia High School, right?  There’s a little more info here. Scott Hansen, The engineer who designed and built the cell that manufactures power tool switches came to school to...

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Cazenovia’s Manufacturing Program Gets an Upgrade

on Tuesday, 03 February 2015. PARTNERSHIP WITH LOCAL COMPANY GETS AUTOMATION FOR THE CLASSROOM Marquardt Switches, in Cazenovia NY, donated an automated switch manufacturing cell to Caz HS Tech Labs, and it arrived on a truck today. Marquardt makes switches internationally for automakers such...

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Chris and Jim CIM
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