DobotStudio: The Basics

Question: How do I get started with DobotStudio? There really isn’t much info out there yet on how to use my Dobot Magician Robotic Arm. Solution: Well, first off, here’s just the tip of the iceberg…. more to be added as I figure stuff out. This robot can be taught and record points...

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CNC Container Process 2018

Question: I don’t understand how to make the CNC container project… can you elaborate? Solution: There are lots of ways to do it, and a search of this site will give you many, but the steps outlined below is the easiest way to get started. want this is a PDF? Click HERE.

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CIM Material Processes

Your students really need to know how things are made in industry, so below are some resources to help you get started with the learning process. My students became an “expert” in one particular field, picked a topic, and made a brochure about a specific manufacturing process....

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Chris and Jim CIM
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