CAD / Modeling

Basic Part Creation Using Autodesk Fusion 360

Basic Part Creation Using Autodesk Fusion 360

Download the Worksheet Download Hand-In Student Notes: Download the Worksheet, dimension the parts using the given scale, then make them in your 3D modeling software! Here is a project to help you and your students get acquainted with Autodesk Fusion 360. There are eleven parts to make, and they are all pretty simple. There are […]
Train Project Assembly Video

Train Project Assembly Video

Students in my DDP class really wanted a video tutorial for the train project for assembly with the insert constraint; and I needed a reason to tune my new microphone… so here it is! This is an update from the one done in 2015…
CNC Container Process 2018

CNC Container Process 2018

Question: I don’t understand how to make the CNC container project… can you elaborate? Solution: There are lots of ways to do it, and a search of this site will give you many, but the steps outlined below is the easiest way to get started. want this is a PDF? Click HERE.
Show Detail in Inventor Browser

Show Detail in Inventor Browser

Question: The browser in Inventor is ok, but is there a way to show more detail? Solution: There sure the heck is! Thank Jim for this obscure trick. He must sit around in his free time and look this stuff up! Just go to the Tools tab, click on application options go to the part […]
Make Inventor Load Faster

Make Inventor Load Faster

Question: My Inventor loads slow! How can I speed it up? Solution: One way to do it, and this works especially well on older computers or ones with low end graphics, is to turn off Add-ins. Most of these are not necessary when you do most things in Inventor, so you can have Inventor start […]
Inventor: Parts List & Balloons

Inventor: Parts List & Balloons

Here’s the answer to “How do I add a bill of materials (parts list) and balloons to a drawing?”.
How do I make a simple presentation?

How do I make a simple presentation?

How do I make a simple presentation using Inventor? Add Bill of Materials or a Parts List? Add Balloons to a drawing? The answers are all here!
Model Train Tutorials

Model Train Tutorials

So you’re having a hard time making all those train parts? Watch the tutorials below to see how Jim does them. I find some of the methods he uses makes it easier to understand, especially with the cow catcher. He also uses different techniques, so you may actually end up learning something. Thanks Jim!
My Toolbars' Are Missing in Inventor! Where'd They Go?

My Toolbars' Are Missing in Inventor! Where'd They Go?

Question: Every once in a while (on a daily basis…) one of my students ends up missing one or more toolbars in Inventor. Can you tell me how to get them back? Answer: I bet it happens randomly, and they have done nothing to make it happen, right?!?! Well no matter… watch the video below […]

Chris and Jim CIM
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