Blog Posts

IED Students Design & Build Clocks

For their final project in Design and Drawing for Production (IED), students in Mr. Hyatt’s class designed, modeled, and produced their own custom laser cut clocks.  Students were given some basic constraints but were encouraged to be creative, use the knowledge and skills they’ve acquired this year in class, and demonstrate what the laser cutter […]
Injection Molding: Marvel of Modern Engineering

Injection Molding: Marvel of Modern Engineering

Jim Found this one, and it is a GEM!  A video about a plastic ball valve. Really? This is a marvel of engineering? Ummm… actually… yes. Jim and I both think so, and since it’s on the internet it must be true. This is a great 15 minute video with some wry humor thrown in […]
New! Dobot Resources

New! Dobot Resources

You’ve asked… We’ve listened. We are in the process of developing even more “stuff” for the Dobot Magicians for those of you who use them in your classroom.  Please click on the link below to get more info on where to get resources like: More information on where & how to buy them Presentations Lessons […]
Glass: Engineering Material & its Properties

Glass: Engineering Material & its Properties

Wow!  Who knew this about glass? Like many engineering materials, glass can take on many different properties depending on how it’s made and it’s composition. Make sure you don’t miss the best engineer events near you, so that you can learn more, get in contact with teachers and professionals to get your work known. Here […]
Make Cool S*** TV: Youtube Series

Make Cool S*** TV: Youtube Series

This is an interesting “TV show” on YouTube that highlights a different manufacturer in each episode.  The first episode is about a company called “Made In America Manufacturing” which is a small machine shop that makes hard to make parts out of hard to work materials like stainless steel, titanium, and inconel (a superalloy). The […]
The VEX Switch Doesn't Work Anymore as an Input.... How do I fix it?

The VEX Switch Doesn't Work Anymore as an Input.... How do I fix it?

Question: I used the Dobots last year to do activity 4 Using Digital Inputs (Here) and it worked great!  The kids are having a blast!  But no matter what I do this year, I cannot get it to work on any of my robots. How do I fix this? Answer:   Well….. My bad…. I’ve […]
Can Students Use DobotStudio without Admin rights?

Can Students Use DobotStudio without Admin rights?

Question: In a nutshell…we have been working on getting the software installed as a testing means and have no issues running the software in a profile that has admin rights. However, as I am sure you are familiar with…students don’t get admin rights to their profile…and so it prompts for credentials to run, when a […]
Pneumatic Parts Feeder

Pneumatic Parts Feeder

Question: Do you have any ideas for ways to teach students about parts feeders in industry? Answer: Imagine a project that incorporates VEX pneumatics, 3D printing, CAD design, and Robotics all in one! That’s exactly what we did here. I taxed one of my students with this “Going Beyond” activity: Design a pneumatic parts feeder using […]
Caz Students Present to SMEEF in Michigan

Caz Students Present to SMEEF in Michigan

Riley Lordon & Savannah Johnson, juniors at Cazenovia HS took what they learned in Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) class last year and brought it to life in Michigan this week. They presented “Industrial Robots in the Classroom” at the SME Headquarters in Southfield Michigan to many members of the SME Education Foundation as well as […]

Chris & Jim CIM

Welcome to Our mission is to make Computer Integrated Manufacturing more exciting and easier for students and educators alike. As you utilize the resources here, you will see how Science, Technology, Engineering & Math can be brought to life for your students, and possibly spark the interests of the next generation of manufacturers and makers...



Chris and Jim CIM
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