Author: Chris&Jim CIM

LMS: Announcements

Question: What are “announcements” used for in an LMS? Do you use them? How? Answer:   Hold on Cowboy…. that’s three questions in one. I use them in class everyday, with every class. I especially like to be able to give my students content like files, or links that they...

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LMS: Replacing Files

Question: I have a mistake in a file I posted on my LMS, and I want to replace the file with one that does not have the mistake. How do I do this? Answer: The first step is to fix the file on your computer, then upload the fixed file, and re-link it. It is easy to do. Watch the video below to do it...

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Uploading Files To An LMS

Question: How do I upload files so that my students can access them in the LMS? Answer: Glad to say it is very easy to do. You can uplaod pictures, video, links, any content really. The short video below shows you how to add content to a Canvas LMS. [youtube_sc url=””...

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Problem: I can’t seem to get EdgeCAM or your Flow Arm to work, or any of the other CIM Software for that matter. What should I do? Solution: Well, don’t cry; that doesn’t work. I’ve tried it. Screaming and yelling does not seem to work either. So here’s an idea: Download...

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Chris and Jim CIM
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