Author: Chris Hurd

Glass: Engineering Material & its Properties

Wow!  Who knew this about glass? Like many engineering materials, glass can take on many different properties depending on how it’s made and it’s composition. Make sure you don’t miss the best engineer events near you, so that you can learn more, get in contact with teachers and...

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Make Cool S*** TV: Youtube Series

This is an interesting “TV show” on YouTube that highlights a different manufacturer in each episode.  The first episode is about a company called “Made In America Manufacturing” which is a small machine shop that makes hard to make parts out of hard to work materials like...

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Pneumatic Parts Feeder

Question: Do you have any ideas for ways to teach students about parts feeders in industry? Answer: Imagine a project that incorporates VEX pneumatics, 3D printing, CAD design, and Robotics all in one! That’s exactly what we did here. I taxed one of my students with this “Going Beyond”...

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Caz Students Present to SMEEF in Michigan

Riley Lordon & Savannah Johnson, juniors at Cazenovia HS took what they learned in Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) class last year and brought it to life in Michigan this week. They presented “Industrial Robots in the Classroom” at the SME Headquarters in Southfield Michigan...

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Chris and Jim CIM
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