Author: Chris Hurd

Can You Duplicate Points In DobotStudio?

Question: Can you duplicate points in DobotStudio so I don’t have to record so many points for a complicated motion? Answer: Of course you can! It’s as easy as copy and paste. It makes your movements much more accurate too!  1,087 total views,  1 views today

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What Does Dobot Studio Look Like?

Dobot Studio is the software used to run the Dobot Magician robotic arm. Here is a brief overview of the software, especially the “Teaching & Playback” module. Even includes a “Blockly” module.  1,202 total views,  1 views today

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Dobot to Dobot Handshake!

We did it! We made a dobot magician talk to another one and make it start. We even added a VEX switch as an input to start the first one. It is easy to do, but one word of caution: Never connect or disconnect any wires to the dobot while it is powered on; always power it down first. Damage may result! Ok,...

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