Author: Chris Hurd

VEX Encoder Doesn’t Work!

Question: I can’t seem to get my encoder to work no matter what I do!  It will only ever return a value of 0 or 1, and only for a moment. What’s up? Answer: Well, did you restart your software and hardware? Then check this out!  I’ll bet you have another analog sensor plugged into...

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POE: How Does The Grid Work?

Here are some videos to help explain how the power grid works, and how to smarten it up!   « Prev1 / 1Next »What Is The Power Grid?How the grid works || BURN RadioThe Smart Grid Explained - An Understanding for Everyone« Prev1 / 1Next »

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Tool Attribute WS: What Speeds & Feeds for Renshape?

Question: What are the speeds and feeds that you use in your classroom while CNC machining? Answer: That’s really a loaded question!  It depends on a lot of different variables. With that said, below is a list of speeds, feeds, plunge rates, and general info I use when machining Renshape 440...

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Chris and Jim CIM
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