Tag: vincent

How Accurate is the Dobot Magician?

Question: Just how accurate is the Dobot Magician? Answer: Short answer: very accurate. To 0.007″ to be exact. Verified by an independent study student of mine using statistical analysis. In May of 2017  I purchased a Dobot Magician from an Etsy shop, as that was the only way to get them at...

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The Dobot Magician: A REAL Educational Robot?

About a month ago  I purchased a Dobot Magician from an Etsy shop, as that was the only way to get them at the time. Try telling your business office you want to use school money to buy something on Etsy….  Luckily, it was a grant, and I was able to purchase it. It is now available at In-Position...

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Chris and Jim CIM
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