Tag: position

DobotStudio: The Basics

Question: How do I get started with DobotStudio? There really isn’t much info out there yet on how to use my Dobot Magician Robotic Arm. Solution: Well, first off, here’s just the tip of the iceberg…. more to be added as I figure stuff out. This robot can be taught and record points...

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How do I buy a Dobot Magician?

Great question! Luckily the answer is, as always, “It’s easy!” I just purchased eight of them for my CIM class after testing them for the better part of the last six months. I feel that they are so much more accurate and durable than anything else I have used in my classroom to...

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How Accurate is the Dobot Magician?

Question: Just how accurate is the Dobot Magician? Answer: Short answer: very accurate. To 0.007″ to be exact. Verified by an independent study student of mine using statistical analysis. In May of 2017  I purchased a Dobot Magician from an Etsy shop, as that was the only way to get them at...

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Problem: What’s the difference between teach and record? Aren’t they the same thing?   Solution: Actually, they are very different. Record is done by “driving” the robot to a point in space, and then hitting the record button. If you Teach a position, it is...

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Chris and Jim CIM
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