Tag: marquardt

Manufacturing Myths

There are many myths about manufacturing held by high school students and adults alike across the US, and right here at home in our high schools. How can high school students make choices about careers in manufacturing if they don’t even know what it is? Here are some of the myths your students...

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The Big Move

on Tuesday, 24 March 2015. MARQUARDT CELL MAKES IT TO THE CLASS ROOM… IN PIECES…. Students in the EDD class have spent the last 3 weeks planning, labelling, and dismantling the Cell donated by Marquardt. Today, March 23rd, 2015, all of the parts were brought up to room 231. Tags:  ...

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Automated Switch Manufacturing Cell:

on Wednesday, 25 February 2015. WHAT DOES IT DO? So you know about the cell that Marquardt Switches donated to Cazenovia High School, right?  There’s a little more info here. Scott Hansen, The engineer who designed and built the cell that manufactures power tool switches came to school to...

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Cazenovia’s Manufacturing Program Gets an Upgrade

on Tuesday, 03 February 2015. PARTNERSHIP WITH LOCAL COMPANY GETS AUTOMATION FOR THE CLASSROOM Marquardt Switches, in Cazenovia NY, donated an automated switch manufacturing cell to Caz HS Tech Labs, and it arrived on a truck today. Marquardt makes switches internationally for automakers such...

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Chris and Jim CIM
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