Tag: manual

Mounting Stock in a Manual Vice

Question: How do you mount a piece of stock in a manual vice in your milling machine? Answer: CIM Master Teacher Matt Baehr explains how to mount a piece of material in your manual vice and why he does it the way he does. This will apply to all other milling machines as well. See the short...

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The Lynxmotion AL5D V2: Putting it all together

So you have new Lynxmotion robots for your classroom, so now you have to build and wire them. I’ve put together 4 videos to help you assemble and wire them. This is not meant to replace the manual, but rather to supplement it. You can find the manual here: PLTW-AL5D-Guide-11.  Lots of new...

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Centering Servos

Question: How do you center the servos when you build your lynxmotion AL5D? Answer: Best way is to NOT turn the servos; like that’ll happen! There is a whole section in the new manual that can help you teach how servos work, so check the manual too! You can find it here: PLTW-AL5D-Guide-11. One...

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Wiring the Power for Lynx AL5D

Question: How do you wire the AL5D Lynxmotion robot arm for power? Answer: You really have to make sure that you do this right, or you will damage the SSC-32U and/or the power supply, and it will not work. So, start by reading the manual; you can find it Here: PLTW-AL5D-Guide-11. Also, see the video...

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How do you wire the Lynxmotion AL5D?

Question: How do you wire the AL5D Lynxmotion robot arm? That’s a lot of wires! Answer: Well, start by reading the manual; you can find it Here: PLTW-AL5D-Guide-11. Also, see the video below. [youtube_sc url=”https://youtu.be/J8EE-z8kouI” width=”800″] Gaylord box of...

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What else do we need to teach CIM?

Question: What else do we need to really teach CIM? Are there any “extras” that you recommend? Answer: We get this question weekly. So here’s what we are going to do. Give you a preview to a Google doc that is live so we can update it on the fly. You will see it right below this...

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Question: How do I do a firmware update?  The automatic one doesn’t work. Why? Solution: I don’t know why it doesn’t work, but it doesn’t in my classroom as well. Oh well. Below is a short video of how I get it to update in my classroom using the “manual” method. [youtube_sc...

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Chris and Jim CIM
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