Tag: made

How a Tesla Model S is Made

In our run up to Manufacturing Day 2019 we’ll post a different “How It’s Made” video from around the web. Enjoy! This one is from WIRED Magazine. If founder Elon Musk is right, Tesla Motors just might reinvent the American auto industry—with specialized robots building...

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How a TIMEX Watch is Made

Timex watches are known to be high quality yet reliable and affordable. The brand has been in business since the 1800s. Insider’s Fabiana Buontempo visited their headquarters in Connecticut to learn what goes into making their watches. The art of watchmaking is often machine-based these days,...

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Make Cool S*** TV: Youtube Series

This is an interesting “TV show” on YouTube that highlights a different manufacturer in each episode.  The first episode is about a company called “Made In America Manufacturing” which is a small machine shop that makes hard to make parts out of hard to work materials like...

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Student Research Exemplars

Question: There are a couple of research assignments that I would like my students to do. Do you have any exemplars of what you have used in class? Answer: 1.1 History of CIM Powerpoint Examples 2.2 CIM Processes Brochure Examples   process-brochure-template We sure do! Note that the exemplars that...

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High Tech Manufacturing: The Apple Watch

on Sunday, 15 March 2015. THE APPLE WATCH: HOW IT’S MADE This article was written by Greg Koenig, and reposted here with terms highlighted for high school manufacturing students. This is an excellent article that tries to fill in the blanks on how the Apple watch is manufactured. More about...

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How Much Would It Cost If iPad Were Made in the US?

FROM THE ATLANTIC: SENIOR EDITOR DEREK THOMPSON The info below is just some food for thought about the costs of manufacturing. Yes the article is old, but still relevant! Apple has contracted to make its iPad 2s in China, where the typical worker makes a hardy $185 a week. What if, in a fever...

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Chris and Jim CIM
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