Tag: flange

How do I use Inventor to make The Flange?

Question: How do I use Inventor to make The Flange? Answer: See the video below for one way to do it. It walks you through all the steps from hole cycles to profiles, to roughing operations. The video below does not have any sound track. [youtube_sc url=”https://youtu.be/SBIlHm4jAt8″ width=”800″] ...

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2015-16 PDP #6: The Flange in HSM

on Wednesday, 09 December 2015. THE 6TH INSTALLMENT OF AN ONGOING SERIES ON HIGHLIGHTS OF THE PLTW CIM CURICULUM The sixth PDP session for the 2015-16 school year was held last night. In this one, Jim shows us how to set up and machine the flange from PLTW Lesson 2.3 (Practice Machining Activity)...

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Chris and Jim CIM
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