Tag: firmware

VEX Startup and Troubleshooting Guide

Question: The VEX hardware and software never seem to work well together in my classroom, do you have any troubleshooting hints to make it all work? Solution: Thank Jim for this… He pulled together many resources into one right here. From start up to connecting, to flinging across a football...

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How do I Update my Firmware in RobotC?

Question: How do I update the firmware in RobotC… the “automatic” method doesn’t work! Answer: Funny! (Not really…) It doesn’t work in my classroom either! Watch the short video below to see how it’s done!   [youtube_sc url=”https://youtu.be/EwvG7wR1eYY”...

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Question: How do I do a firmware update?  The automatic one doesn’t work. Why? Solution: I don’t know why it doesn’t work, but it doesn’t in my classroom as well. Oh well. Below is a short video of how I get it to update in my classroom using the “manual” method. [youtube_sc...

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Chris and Jim CIM
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