Tag: container

Unilever Nano Factory

(CNN)When you think of a factory, you might imagine a giant facility with huge chimneys belching steam. But consumer goods giant Unilever has developed a fully functioning production line inside a shipping container. The company has over 300 factories in 69 countries, but this is its first experiment...

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How Do I Split A Part In Inventor

Question: How do I use Inventor to split a part into two? Solution: I put together a short video to show how to do this. The method I show here is good if you want to remove the other part, and ALWAYS make a copy of your part to work with, and ALWAYS use SAVE COPY AS. Consider that fair warning! Inventor...

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CNC Container Process 2018

Question: I don’t understand how to make the CNC container project… can you elaborate? Solution: There are lots of ways to do it, and a search of this site will give you many, but the steps outlined below is the easiest way to get started. want this is a PDF? Click HERE.

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Making the Physical Container on the CNC Mill

Sometimes you just have to see it to understand it. I know because I am a visual learner. So here it is: How to make the container from start to finish….. Physically speaking! From a block of Renshape to final product. No code  or 3D modelling at all! If your looking for the Inventor tutorials...

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What’s the Container Project?

What’s the container project you ask? It’s a project done in CIM class that teaches many different facets of CIM including: G & M Code, 3D Modelling, Manual machine operations, CNC machining, Secondary processing, Tolerances, Documentation, Mass Production techniques, Assembly operations,...

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Chris and Jim CIM
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