Tag: code

Brief History & Explanation of CNC & G-Code

Download the worksheet hereEither download the word document above, and type the answers in and hand in to your instructor, or follow the directions below. If you look it up the definition will be something like this: G–code is a language in which people tell computerized machine tools...

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Setting up the xsTech router

What do you need to know to start throwing chips with Tormach’s new xsTECH router? How to start up & shut down the machine How to install and change tools How to locate the part on the table in X, & Y How to find the end of a tool (Z axis) How to load and run code This 18...

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How Accurate is the Dobot Magician?

Question: Just how accurate is the Dobot Magician? Answer: Short answer: very accurate. To 0.007″ to be exact. Verified by an independent study student of mine using statistical analysis. In May of 2017  I purchased a Dobot Magician from an Etsy shop, as that was the only way to get them at...

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How do I get G&M Code Using Inventor HSM?

Question: How do I get G&M code from Inventor HSM to make my actual part on the milling machine? Answer: post-code-with-hsm It’s really gotten very easy to do with HSM. Follow the directions below, and you should be all set!  Be sure to download the PLTW tool library, and watch video...

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Chris and Jim CIM
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