Tag: center

The Lynxmotion AL5D V2: Putting it all together

So you have new Lynxmotion robots for your classroom, so now you have to build and wire them. I’ve put together 4 videos to help you assemble and wire them. This is not meant to replace the manual, but rather to supplement it. You can find the manual here: PLTW-AL5D-Guide-11.  Lots of new...

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Centering Servos

Question: How do you center the servos when you build your lynxmotion AL5D? Answer: Best way is to NOT turn the servos; like that’ll happen! There is a whole section in the new manual that can help you teach how servos work, so check the manual too! You can find it here: PLTW-AL5D-Guide-11. One...

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See you at the University of Texas at Tyler!

Well CTI’s have been doled out finally!  Jim will be at CalPoly Pomona, Ryan Dennes will be at the University of Kentucky & Bucknell and I will be at the University of Texas at Tyler with Ryan Stobaugh . There are a total of nine sessions going on for CIM throughout the summer so check your...

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What kind of tools should I use?

Question: I know nothing about tools for CNC machines.  What kind are there, and what can I use them for? Answer: There is so much to learn about tooling when it comes to CNC machines, that it can really be overwhelming. Here we present just the basics as it pertains to a “rookies” classroom....

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Question:  How do I make sure my servos are centered before I build my robot? How can I test my servos once it is built? Answer: The I.L.A.R. (It Looks About Right) method works ok, but if you want to be precise, you need a servo driver. This video shows you how to use one to test your servos. One...

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Chris and Jim CIM
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