Tag: 2014

EdgeCAM Tutorials

WHERE DO I FIND ALL THOSE COOL TUTORIALS WE DID IN CLASS? Question: Where do I find all those cool EdgeCAM tutorials we did in class? Solution: Right here of course!  Jim did all of these EdgeCAM tutorials with just some groovy music. There are tutorials for all four major CNC operations that you...

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Autodesk Inventor 2014 : Drawings and Beyond

Ok, now you have some parts, how do you do the documentation? Like drawings, bill of materials, and balloons, among other things? See the videos below for some examples in Inventor 2014. [youtube_sc url=”https://youtu.be/S2WqaasLiTw?list=PLJuwb3xnlvcl7J__Txjd9QvxST72zEJfB”] Video 0 Orthographic...

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Chris and Jim CIM
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