Dobot Blockly Curriculum Downloads

Introduction goes here. When you click on the titles or the pictures below you will get the document download as a PDF. Activities 1-Blockly: Pick & Place 2-Blockly: Pick and Place with Jumps and Loops 3-Blockly: Pick & Place with Inputs 4-Blockly...

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02 Blockly Pick & Place With Jumps & Loops

Download When programming a robotic arm, it often becomes necessary to repeat operations a set number of times or indefinitely. This can be accomplished by adding different styles of loops to our program. It is also a good programming habit to optimize or reduce your lines of code when appropriate....

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01 Blockly Pick and Place Dobot

Download Robotic arms are excellent for performing pick and place operations such as placing small electronic components on circuit boards or laser cut stainless steel stencils, as well as large boxes on pallets. A pick and place operation will require at least 5 points: In this activity you will...

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Pneumatic Parts Feeder

Question: Do you have any ideas for ways to teach students about parts feeders in industry? Answer: Imagine a project that incorporates VEX pneumatics, 3D printing, CAD design, and Robotics all in one! That’s exactly what we did here. I taxed one of my students with this “Going Beyond”...

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Chris and Jim CIM
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