
What is Depth of Cut? How Deep can I Cut on a Single Pass?

What is Depth of Cut? How Deep can I Cut on a Single Pass?

QUESTION: What is Depth of Cut? How deep can I cut on a single pass? ANSWER: Great question! a good rule of thumb is the depth of cut shouldn’t be greater than 1/2 the diameter of the tool; especially on smaller machines.  Any more than this and you risk messing up the bearings in your […]
Is There A Better Way To Teach G & M Coding By Hand?

Is There A Better Way To Teach G & M Coding By Hand?

Question: Initials on a wax block are boring and expensive!  Do you have a better way to teach G & M code basics? Solution: Sure do!  How about doing initials, or a simple graphic on a wooden yo-yo?  That’s right, a yo-yo. Students love it! Special thanks to Chris Lallier who put it all together […]

Chris and Jim CIM
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