Blog Posts

Dobot Workcell: Conveyor & Slide Base

Dobot Workcell: Conveyor & Slide Base

Just received my slidebase and conveyor that I ordered from InPosition  and just finished setting it up. Stay tuned for the programming video that will be coming shortly! To get a discount and free shipping go here for more info:  
Dobot Initials Accuracy Test

Dobot Initials Accuracy Test

Independent Study student Tony Koppers tests the Dobot Magician to see how accurate it is with the pen end effector.  

Circuit Simulation Software for POE

Need to run the circuit simulation for POE class? Try this!     Click to Run  
Ascent AeroSystems Works With Caz HS Tech Club to Build Drones

Ascent AeroSystems Works With Caz HS Tech Club to Build Drones

Can you believe it? Ascent Aerosystems will be coming to Cazenovia tomorrow night to teach the members of the Caz HS Tech Club how to build one of their Sprite Drones. Ascent has also donated all of the parts so that the students will be able to build one themselves over the next few weeks. […]
POE: How Does The Grid Work?

POE: How Does The Grid Work?

Here are some videos to help explain how the power grid works, and how to smarten it up!   
Do You Have a Molly In Your Classroom?

Do You Have a Molly In Your Classroom?

Wow! Great commercial…. Jim found this and shared it with me.  Do you have a Molly in your class?  I bet you do!   Find them and let be creative and just watch what they can do.
POE Simple Machines

POE Simple Machines

So you need a little help learning how to do lever problems, huh?  Below are a bunch of of videos that show how to do the problems in the Levers & Wheels presentation, step by step. Watch it once, or as many times as you like. Please let me know if you have any questions! […]
How do I buy a Dobot Magician?

How do I buy a Dobot Magician?

Great question! Luckily the answer is, as always, “It’s easy!” I just purchased eight of them for my CIM class after testing them for the better part of the last six months. I feel that they are so much more accurate and durable than anything else I have used in my classroom to date. Any […]
Are there other VEX Parts?

Are there other VEX Parts?

Question: Do you have a list of all the VEX parts?  I want to order just a few, but I do not know what the part numbers are can you help? Answer: Sure can!  Ryan Stobaugh, CIM Master teacher, has put together an updated spreadsheet that has been updated with all of the parts with […]

Chris & Jim CIM

Welcome to Our mission is to make Computer Integrated Manufacturing more exciting and easier for students and educators alike. As you utilize the resources here, you will see how Science, Technology, Engineering & Math can be brought to life for your students, and possibly spark the interests of the next generation of manufacturers and makers...



Chris and Jim CIM
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