About Us

WP_20160322_002Welcome to chrisandjimcim.com. Our mission is to make Computer Integrated Manufacturing more exciting and easier for students and educators alike. As you look through the resources here, you will see how STEM can be integrated into manufacturing education. Here you’ll find tutorials, solutions to everyday problems, excellent student & teacher examples, and information regarding all things CIM including: solid modeling, CAD, CAM, and simulations with VEX and Lynxmotion robots.

You’ll also find a section called “solutions“. In this section, you’ll find answers to your VEXing problems, as well as solutions to common issues. Also new is the “tutorials” section, aimed at teachers, to help you with concepts in the classroom. Please feel free to contact us with any questions, concerns or suggestions that you may have, and we can post them here.

Also new is the “Showcase” section. This is a showcase for student projects as well as projects for you, the teacher, to make your classroom a better place to learn. go to the “Blog” section, and see what’s happening in our classrooms, and nationwide, as this is where we post stuff that we think you may find interesting, or important as well.

We feel that CIM in education plays a vital role in the future of America’s Industry, and what better way to ensure it’s growth than by investing in the students and educators of the 21st century?


Chris_Sig_White_300x80_whitechrishurd ___________________  Jim_Sig_300x80_whitejimhanson
Chris Hurd
CIM Educator
Educational Consultant
Jim Hanson
CIM Educator
New Pal HS, New Palestine, IN


Chris and Jim CIM
© Copyright 2020

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